Why do 9 out of 10 people fail

to achieve their goals?

  • Poorly Defined Goals.

    A common mistake is that people set goals that are too hard to achieve. They set a goal not realising what is needed in order to achieve it. But how do you know if your goals is achievable? The team at North Star can help.

  • Lack of Consistency.

    Often, people simply do not take the consistent, reliable, doable actions need to progress them forward. What action should you take ? We can support you every step of your journey.

  • Living in the Comfort Zone.

    The desire to remain in the comfort zone is only natural. The reality is that stepping outside your comfort zone alone is scary. But you don’t need to be alone. We will guide you to achieve your goal..

  • Negativity of Others.

    The views of negative and broken people who do not have your best interests at heart - is none of your business. It’s time to stop listening to them. But who should you listen to? The North Star team are experienced guides.

  • The dreaded 3 "P's".

    For most of us, at least one of the three P’s slows us down from achieving our goals or even stops us in our tracks - Procrastination, Paralysis & Perfectionism. Do you suffer from any of these? The team at North Star will help you navigate around these.

  • Lack of Clarity.

    Many people start out with a vague idea of what they want to achieve and soon fail. They are not sure of what they really want to achieve or how to actually achieve it. Have you ever been in this situation? The team at North Star have the wisdom and will guide you every step of the way.

Your personal Goal Sign

Want to be the 1 in 10 who do achieve their goals?

North Star Goals offers a unique goals achievement methodology that includes personalised diagnostic tools so that you can successfully navigate towards your North Star.

The team at North Star will guide you on your journey to become the 1 in 10 who successfully achieve their goals.