Your own North Star Journey

There are four key stages to successfully achieving your goal.

1. Set Your North Star

Vision & Goal.

The first step along the journey to successfully achieving your goal is to define and set a clear vision and goal. The North Star methodology guides you through a unique process that will enable you to set a clear and achievable North Star vision and the goals you will achieve along your journey.


2. Plot a Course for Success.

Just as every goal is unique, so to is the way to achieve it. Understanding and harnessing your unique skills and experience in the FOUR key capabilities, is essential to goals success. The North Star methodology evaluates you and your goal against these four capabilities and provides you with a ‘Goal Star’ diagnostic that will allow you to navigate a successful journey towards your North Star.

3. Take Clear & Planned Action.

A vision and goal without clear, planned and well executed action is merely a dream. Taking the right action, at the right time, in the right way separates those who successfully achieve their goals and those who don’t. Be the 1 in 10 who achieves their success.


4. Track Progress & Course Correct along your journey.

A major reason why 9 out of 10 people do not successfully achieve their goals is that they have no way of tracking their progress along the journey and making the inevitable course corrections along the way.

As your North Star Guide travels with you along your journey, they are able to guide and support you when you are heading off track and get you back on course to successfully achieve your goal.