One Day or Day One?

You Decide !

Goal Discovery

Why do 9 out of 10 people fail to achieve key goals they set for themselves?

They do not know or harness the four key capabilities needed for goals achievement success.

The North Star Goal Discovery program journey delivers you a goals diagnostic that will evaluate your strengths with four key capabilities and provide you with a path to navigate forward to successfully achieve your goal.

If you would like a professional & experienced guidance in understanding your strengths and area for development before embarking on your goal achievement journey, then North Star Goal Discovery program is for you.

The North Star Goal Discovery program will deliver you:

  • Your unique, personalised Goal Sign

  • Full Goal Sign Discovery Report

  • 50% discount to the one day live event ticket - North Star Goal Achievement Bootcamp

Investment - $97

Goal Planning

Before starting any journey, it is fundamentally important that you have clearly defined your intended destination and set the co-ordinates for the desired path you need to take.

If you would like professional & experienced guidance with clarifying your Vision and defining your goals to navigate towards it, then The North Star Goal Planning program is for you.

What the North Star Goal Planning program will deliver:

  • Clarity of your North Star Vision

  • Well defined North Star Goal

  • Your unique Goal Sign Diagnostic Report

  • 90 minute 1-on-1 Goals Planning Session

  • Detailed set of North Star Goals Action Plan

  • North Star Goal Planning Workbook

    Investment - $197

Goal Mastery

Once a clear and well defined North Star Vision and Goal have been set, it is then time to start out on the journey of successfully achieving it. This is where the power of knowledgeable and experienced guides come to the fore.

You would not venture out to climb a major mountain without an experienced guide. Nor is it advisable to start the journey to achieving your key goals without a goals achievement specialist by your side.

If you would like a professional & experienced goals achievement specialist to take the journey with you, supporting and guiding you at key points along your journey, then The North Star Goal Mastery program is for you.

The North Star Goal Mastery program includes everything in the North Star Goal Planning session plus:

  • 3 x 45 minute 1-on-1 Goal Mastery Tracking sessions

  • Updated Goal Mastery Action Items after each session

  • North Star Goal Mastery Journey Workbook

  • 1 x one day live event ticket - North Star Goal Mastery Bootcamp

  • Secure additional Goal Tracking sessions at $195 (normal price $250)

Investment - $745

Words may inspire, but only action creates change.

Simon Sinek